You’re looking for a house. Not just any house, but THE house. You’re first house, maybe your last house, the house you’ll have Thanksgiving in, maybe the house you’ll bring your first child home to. You are looking for a place to hold years of memories. Maybe it’ll even be a part of a story that sounds like-“ Hey remember when you lived at that house? The one with…” It can be intimidating if you look at it that way, and a lot of people do. Which is why a lot of people question when they have found the house they are looking at. Here are some ways you can be kind of sure that this is not just any house, but your house.
1: You forgive the flaws.
There is no lying about that. Nearly every house on the market will have something wrong with it. This could be the older sewer, or the furnace on its last leg or the leaky faucet in the upstairs bathroom. If you are able to overlook these sometimes bigger issues then it is a possibility. If you are willing to even do the work or put in the money to upgrade it to what you want it to be, than it is probably the house you’ve been waiting for.
2: It meets your checklist we talked about a few posts ago
Remember when we gave you the advice to sit down and write what you absolutely needed in your house? If the house you are looking at meets all of that criterion chances are you may have found it. You and your partner or whomever you are buying with need to be happy when you are all moved in and you look around. It needs to be a place you look forward to going to after a long day. If the house your looking at meets all of those little things you aren’t willing to budge on- it should be seriously considered.
3: You can picture what it will look like
if you walk into a house and look at it and imagine what it will look like with all of your things and personal touches added- that is already a good start. But if you like what you envision than that is a fantastic start. You don’t want to buy someone else’s house- you want to buy your home. Can you see how you’d arrange the furniture, what you’d do with the backyard, what holidays may look like with your family? If you like this vision, and it is affordable for you- than you may have just opened the door to your new home.
4: You feel the flutters
Anyone who has bought a house remembers what it was like to walk into the house of your dreams. You feel nervous, excited, and joy all at one time. It can be quite overwhelming. That feeling travels all through your body and you get that feeling of “YES!”. However- just because you feel that does not mean it is the right house. Does it meet your criteria? Can you afford it? Don’t be stuck being house-poor. Life is more than just your house. But that feeling is a great thing! If it happens, you may have just found your home- but be smart about it.
5: You already feel pride in it
After the initial showing and a few days down the line you are going to think of the houses you have already looked at and there will be some that stick out. If there is one in particular you can’t wait to show pictures of to your mom or your best friend- this is great! It means you’re excited about it and there is nothing to be embarrassed about when it comes to it. There are a lot of factors that go in to finding a house that is perfect for you. Location, home features, landscaping- and so many more. If you aren’t embarrassed about any of them then it may be the house for you.
Finding a house is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. It can be fantastic! Hopefully some of these tips will help you make you your final decision. Both you and whomever you are buying with should be happy with wherever you choose! If you are looking to find the house of your dreams, just give us a call at 768-1177. We are opening doors all over western NY, let us help you open yours!