Is my Passion your Passion?

According to the Urban Dictionary, “passion is when you put more energy into something than is required to do it. It is more than just enthusiasm or excitement, passion is ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart, mind body and soul into something as is possible.”

Some people are passionate about sports, a favorite show or movies, being fit, eating healthy and making money. My passion is that I love making a difference in the community by helping people. I enjoy helping the community because you always have to be grateful for what you have and help others get to where they want to be. By volunteering I have learned a lot and it has help mold me into the young adult I have become.

This weekend I volunteer at the Sounds and Soul Gala at The Buffalo Grand Hotel, which was known as the Adam’s Mark Hotel. This community service opportunity was a great experience. The purpose of this event is to help fundraise money for the Buffalo Hearing and Speech. The Buffalo Hearing and Speech is a non-profit organization that offers women, men and children services in speech, hearing, communication and specialized education/learning needs. There vision is to, “be the premier resource for excellence in clinical and educational outcomes for children and adults regardless of their needs and abilities.”


If you would like to help check out these opportunities below:

*Stay tuned: As I add more upcoming community service events*

Habitat for Humanity: Help make a difference by painting, building or repairing a home for a low income family.


SPCA Serving Erie County: If you are an animal lover help SPCA by working hands-on with the animals, assisting in their administrative offices, or even helping out at events.


If you are passionate about getting the house of your dreams make sure to give Red Door Real Estate a call at (716) 768-1177 or email us

Feel free to share your experience!


982 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo NY 14213

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Genesis Burgos

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