My Irish Experience

            With St. Patrick’s Day apparel hitting stores and shamrock decorations filling store windows, I can’t help but think about my 3-day trip to Dublin, Ireland that I took in January while I was abroad. I hoped on a £15 flight (around $18.00 US dollar,) and before I knew it I was landed in Ireland. I took this trip with 10 other students that were abroad with me, we stayed in an Airbnb and had a very touristy 3 days.

Day 1: Our flight landed around 5:00PM so we didn’t have much time to sight see, plus we were all exhausted. We went home, settled into our Airbnb, ate dinner and got ready for the night. We went to an Irish Pub that was down the street, drank a Guinness and went to bed.

Day 2: Now that we had the entire day, we could be full-blown tourists. First, we went to the Dublin Castle, which is where the Irish royalty once lived. After that we walked around the town before our reservation at the Jameson Whiskey Distillery. When we got to the distillery we got a tour of where all the Jameson Whiskey is made. All of it is made in Dublin and shipped out all over the world. We also got to do a taste testing along with being taught how to make our own whiskey. After that we headed back home and went to another local Irish Pub.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset, Outside of the Dublin Castle
Processed with VSCO with e3 preset, Jameson Whiskey Distillery

Day 3: The most interesting day of the trip. We all woke up at 6:00AM for a bus tour that brought us to Gallaway, which was a 4 hour drive away, and the Cliffs of Moher. We ended up with a very whacky tour guide who could not stop talking for the life of him. Yes, he talked for the entire 4-hour drive from 6AM-10AM. When we arrived at Gallaway, we got off the bus and was able to walk around the city for 2 hours. Long story short, it was Sunday and not one shop or restaurant was open. So, we basically just stood around and waited for time to pass. Next was Cliffs of Moher, which was another 2-hour drive away. You bet the tour guide talked for that entire ride too. When we got to the Cliffs, we were embraced by the worst weather I have ever had to deal with. The wind was so strong it was literally knocking people over- just what you want when you are walking on cliffs, right? Plus, raindrops that felt like pellets when they hit you in the face. Towards the end the weather calmed down and we all were able to appreciate the true beauty of the cliffs. To end the tour, we went to a Ma and Pa Irish restaurant and enjoyed our last Irish meal before we headed back to London.

Cliffs of Moher

            I’m very thankful that I was able to experience Ireland, even if it only was for 3 days. In the 72 hours we were there, the 10 of us made the most out of the trip. Going back is 100% on my bucket list. I hope everyone has a happy and safe St. Patrick’s Day! 

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset, Beautiful Irish sunset

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Alexa Graff

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